Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ong Bak 2

Ong Bak is a movie by the famous martial art star Tony Jaa. The first movie had a very interesting story line with extreme martial arts. The show was such it would make you go in front of the mirror and try some kicks and punches!! The sequel to Ong Bak was Ong Bak 2. Expecting the same kind of excitement i positioned myself in front of the TV comfortably for some martial arts mayhem. But what hit me was just mayhem!!

A bad script, predictable story line, same kicks, same punches, horrible acting and bloodshed which was both disgusting and grotesque!!! In this post i will give you both the plot and the script of the movie.
Hero-Heroine- Traitor kills hero's parents-hero escapes, separated from heroine- masters all martial arts under a pseudo father-grows up - returns to kill the traitor- discovers pseudo father is also bad- kills him- marries heroine-happily ever after!! ( i bet both karan Johar and ramanand sagar are campaigning for assisted suicide and mercy killing!)
Picturesque location in Thailand, a royal stead speeds across the jungle. the young boy riding the stallion is gripped with fear. Partially because of the thunder, but mostly because of the people hunting him down. He can hear the "twang" of bows and arrows zipping by! he somehow escapes.
He is rescued by a bandit king and is raised as his own son. he learns all martial arts and grows up to be a hybrid of Bruce lee+ Md Ali+Carl Lewis+ Tarzan+Bismarck!!

Then Hee haa eeyyaa..i will slit your throat...huh haa hayyaa aaa oooo...i will kill you(blood splashes)...kick kick punch jump..he he huuu haoo noooooo( running) hes hwaa eeyyaa CRACK!!(neck broken) ting ting ting SLIT!!( sword fight) aaaaa swoooosh(fire) hah hoo hyi haa foo....
[Please note that all the sounds while reading sound better with emotion. so SHOUT!]

Paradise lost! one man stands tall over the sea of dead bodies, revenge sought! Movie ends.....

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