Monday, November 23, 2009


The sound of the alarm pierced my ear. Dawn of a new day. Looking forward for a day of excitement, i got up. The usual morning chore followed. Milk, jog and shower, nothing new in that either! I open the newspaper and information floods my brain. But pretty soon i realize there was something which was common to most of the news items. Let me tell you what my eyes scanned. A liberation front blowing up places to prove a point, a saffron goon attacking a citizen of liberal India because he spoke in the national language, couple of well dressed miners in the assembly exhibiting their greed, a gathering of men in ill-fitting khaki shorts showing off their "unity" and discussing tradition, farmers commit suicide, sparks from the sickle and hammer for a decision by the government, a wedding ceremony in a farm house in all pomp, disturbance in gaza and west bank and sport fans clashing against each other!!!

I do see a lot of extremism running around the world. I think if the world takes a deep breath, thinks for a moment more and does the impossible task of keeping aside its ego for just a moment, the morning newspapers would be a lot better!!
I also realized if I did the same, my day would definitely be better, may be even the best!!

1 comment:

dayani said...

:) giving the girly awwww expression :D