Friday, November 6, 2009

Facebook fever

Social networking started out with orkut. But now Facebook is in vogue!! people have even stated using facebook jargon in mainstream English. Unbelievable? believe it!! ( This phrase is taken without permission from the popular TV series Ripley's believe it or not! Too much TV brings out such effects..thank you jaundice!!). Back to the subject facebook jargon ...Let me give you some examples.

1. Overheard in Cubs (a pastry shop, a haven for wannabes, don't ask me why I was there)

"........i want to poke him.."

2. Overheard in Barista (I do eavesdrop!!! i cant help it, i got huge ears so blame genetics)

"....rohit likes this ..." with one thumbs up!

3. Outside a neighbours house, confrontation between an angry 40 something man and a confused teen

".....all i did was write on your wall......"

4. Overheard from a group of friends on a Monday morning

" give me your status updates..."

5. In the Police station

Constable: " This is the sketch of the culprit."

Inspector: " I want to comment....."

6. in an art museum, a young painter

" do I upload my prints on the wall...."

7. In the Income Tax Department

"......View this assesse's profile..."

8. In Bombay Natural History Society

".....Salim Ali just found an Ugly Duckling...."

9. At the wedding planner's office

"honey, we can just send an event invitation...."

10.In front of a beautiful mural of a durbar, inside the majestic Mysore Palace, four policemen, the curator, a group of people and a punk with a permanent marker.

"....I just tagged my great great grandfather....yessss!!!..."
From these examples it pretty evident how facebook has changed our lives. It is also evident that
1. I spend a lot of time in Facebook.
2 I spend a lot of time in front of the TV ( with the TV obviously switched on!)
3. I spend a lot of time in "hang outs".
4. I spend a lot of time overhearing what others say or talk
5. I spend a lot of time.
That's it, I think i will end this post with this list. Just a reminder , once you have read this don't forget to login to Facebook. You will always have something pending on facebook....Peace!


Anonymous said...

paying homage to the facebook jargons "guru likes it! (of course with two thumbs up!)"

Kishore said...

hehe true story man!