Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wrong men in Paradise.

The United states of America( referred to as US , USA or "them" from here )is playing in the football world cup 2010!! Oh! sorry in case they dont understand it, its soccer. The Big brother has finally started to play the worlds most popular game,somehow moving away from the sports where heavily-armoured titan like humans clash around on grass or ice!!
But there were certain aspects which shows how new they are to the beautiful game.Here goes the list.

1. The stadium in Johannesburg has a design of an African pot.The outside of the stadium is designed to have the appearance of an African cooking pot. Our American counterparts thought this was the "Super Bowl"!!!!!!

2.When US scored their accidental goal against England (thanks to Mr Green; Comic fans, i am not referring to the Hulk!), American fans were heard shouting things like "home run" and "touchdown".

3. The US coach Bob Bradley was seen asking for timeouts during a game!!

4. The South African press reported that the American fans were disappointed at the absence of cheergirls and leaders!! ( imagine the state of those girls in a match ,if they have to dance once or twice, or may be never! )

5.American fans were awestruck not to see any wide-mouthed, tongue swaying Budweiser commercials!

6. The opening ceremony and the pre-opening party of the 2010 FIFA world cup was telecast in the US with a PG-17/Adult rating!you ask why? Their fear of wardrobe malfunction has not gone. Thank you Janet and Justin!

Well these are some of the blunders by the Americans! But come on! You cant blame them , they are know for blunders! Iraq, gulf of Mexico, Bhopal, Hiroshima,Vietnam, declaration of independence...blunders overflow in their history!! So lets forgive, forget and enjoy the beautiful game ,Football (NOT soccer!!!)

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