Sunday, April 10, 2011

Three breakfasts at 3:00 am

The clock shows 2:30, am. I bite into the crunchy crust of the bread with the taste of the omelette hitting my taste buds late. No! I am not insane to wake up so early and have tea and toast!I was on a roadside eatery! This was an experiment!
what you do determines the person you are, or at least the person other people want you to be. Yes I bet everyone has gone through times when you do something and you get this expression from people " YOU! are doing this!!". why not? A person will be doing the things he does for two reasons. one he would want to do it, two circumstances would make him do it. People find it hard to take surprises such as these. when we know the strength and power of the human mind, feebleness of decision , its weakness for influences, we will still be surprised!
One thing I discovered from this experiment is the beauty of the human mind. How it connects, how it wants to know, how it reacts!
For the past four days i did things which had no routine, no limits but millions of thoughts, just to realize one simple thing! Let me prevent you (the readers) from going through the same to learn such a trivial truth!

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