With the recent incidents of rape in New Delhi and other places, the internet and the media has seen an outrage of protests, debates and rallies to urge the government to do something, something drastic about this problem.
It is a good thing to see that people are engaging themselves, and are using all the media possible to curtail this evil. it is high time the government takes action to make our streets safer.
I support these protests with all my heart. I always think of a state where citizens (men, women or others) have the liberty to walk on the streets at any time of the day/night, without any fear. That is the responsibility of the Government to make sure that the citizens are safe. If I want to enjoy a casual walk in the pristine starry night, I would want to do it. The police (the government) needs to make sure I am safe, not questioned and harassed. I would not hold the police responsible if a snake bites me, or if a dog chases me. Robbers, rapists, drunken drivers, and eve teasers are what I want to be protected from.
The Government might argue, that if one needs protection from all those things, they better stay indoors. This is a curtailment of a fundamental right to move. Do keep in mind they might suggest the same if someone is mugged in broad day light.
The protests which followed these incidents (and which follow every other incident also) , address the punishment for the crimes committed. The people feel as the punishment is not severe enough, these incidents continue to happen. I do agree that the punishment delivered, is so late that it hardly creates an impact. The government needs to buck up on this.
But what about the kind of punishment? Capital punishment seems to be in the minds of many people. Is this really right?
I being a man, will never know the agony, pain, embarrassment or any emotion that a woman feels when she is teased, groped or raped. From the instances i have read, from the millions of instances that my friends have narrated, getting back to normal after such incidents is very tough and most of the times impossible. It permanently scars the life of a woman.
The intention behind punishing someone, is to make him realize his/her mistake. When one is sentenced to death, it might show the society what lies in store if they commit a crime. But for the culprit it might be a relief. Killing of a human is the most heinous of acts. When the law awards death penalty, aren't we stooping to the same level as the criminals? One cant differentiate "killing". If an individual does it its Murder, if a country does it its War and if "killing" is done legally its Capital Punishment.
This is an extremely delicate issue. The culprit cannot go unpunished. Personally I feel, capital punishment is not the answer. I might not even know the alternatives, as torture seems equally inhuman. Guilt, is something the law can play on. Guilt has the ability to punish a human physically and mentally. Wish it was that easy. What if the culprits have grown over guilt? which is true in many cases. As I finish this blog, my mind is still unclear. I cannot support capital punishment, but I know criminals cannot be let free..
May be, as I have been thinking about this for a long time, one day I shall write again... hopefully without a dilemma.
It is a good thing to see that people are engaging themselves, and are using all the media possible to curtail this evil. it is high time the government takes action to make our streets safer.
I support these protests with all my heart. I always think of a state where citizens (men, women or others) have the liberty to walk on the streets at any time of the day/night, without any fear. That is the responsibility of the Government to make sure that the citizens are safe. If I want to enjoy a casual walk in the pristine starry night, I would want to do it. The police (the government) needs to make sure I am safe, not questioned and harassed. I would not hold the police responsible if a snake bites me, or if a dog chases me. Robbers, rapists, drunken drivers, and eve teasers are what I want to be protected from.
The Government might argue, that if one needs protection from all those things, they better stay indoors. This is a curtailment of a fundamental right to move. Do keep in mind they might suggest the same if someone is mugged in broad day light.
The protests which followed these incidents (and which follow every other incident also) , address the punishment for the crimes committed. The people feel as the punishment is not severe enough, these incidents continue to happen. I do agree that the punishment delivered, is so late that it hardly creates an impact. The government needs to buck up on this.
But what about the kind of punishment? Capital punishment seems to be in the minds of many people. Is this really right?
I being a man, will never know the agony, pain, embarrassment or any emotion that a woman feels when she is teased, groped or raped. From the instances i have read, from the millions of instances that my friends have narrated, getting back to normal after such incidents is very tough and most of the times impossible. It permanently scars the life of a woman.
The intention behind punishing someone, is to make him realize his/her mistake. When one is sentenced to death, it might show the society what lies in store if they commit a crime. But for the culprit it might be a relief. Killing of a human is the most heinous of acts. When the law awards death penalty, aren't we stooping to the same level as the criminals? One cant differentiate "killing". If an individual does it its Murder, if a country does it its War and if "killing" is done legally its Capital Punishment.
This is an extremely delicate issue. The culprit cannot go unpunished. Personally I feel, capital punishment is not the answer. I might not even know the alternatives, as torture seems equally inhuman. Guilt, is something the law can play on. Guilt has the ability to punish a human physically and mentally. Wish it was that easy. What if the culprits have grown over guilt? which is true in many cases. As I finish this blog, my mind is still unclear. I cannot support capital punishment, but I know criminals cannot be let free..
May be, as I have been thinking about this for a long time, one day I shall write again... hopefully without a dilemma.
if the poor victim dies
or if theres any permanent damage which will impair her physically
and if the culprit is just given life imprisonment.
the culprit still is able to enjoy the sunshine, walk around and feel the breeze
but will the victim be able to enjoy such small pleasures of life
one very important principle of life should be every action has an equal reaction, similarly every crime should have an equal punishment
There is no dilemma. Humans are an evolved race, we are part of a civilization, one of the oldest at that. Deciding the end of a person's life, whether through the law or not, is plain wrong. These rapists are possibly the kind of people who would not even regret their crimes. They require repair, not death. I hope we live in a world that aims for recuperation and not elimination.
Thank you for the post. I hope your dilemma is resolved soon.
death penalty for the rapist will lead to the girl getting klled post rape leaving no evidence and a chemical castration which is the injection of anti-androgen to reduce the testosterone levels will need more administration and regulation subsequently, thereby, involving public investment and becoming more of a burden than a solution. certainty of conviction is what matters most...and castration will label rape as a mode of sexual frustration, whereas it s more got to do with violence, humiliation and intimidation and a inhuman projection of misogynistic attitude by the 'stronger' male population...Rape is NOT about sex
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