Friday, June 6, 2008


Influence!! someone influenced by something, someone..etc etc..good or bad! we see a lot of influences these days. Influences of celluloid personalities on the youth, the hairstyles, clothes and the gestures! Influence of war, natural calamities, famine etc in places like Iraq, china, mynamar Zimbabwe and Dafur. (these are really bad..) you see people take drastic actions in places like these, all because of the "influence". we see some great men influence others to do great deeds! you feel happy lookin at that. there are funnier things...influence of alcohol :) ah! wat sight to see!(and feel sometimes ;) ) influence of drugs, both narcotic n medicinal, influence of influenza!!:):) Its interesting to study these influences. you will come across amazing circumstances and never-before-thought of possibilities!! here is one such influence( this is just a joke)
The influence of the election commission on the university of Mysore!! The election commission conducted successful elections in Karnataka in three phases! The university was influenced by this and decided to conduct the graduate exams in phases!!!!:) thats why, we finished 3 exams( 1st phase) now have 11 days gap then 3 more(2nd phase)! Beat this!!!!:)



INFLUENCE! my fren is right! i ve been influenced by him! for most of his good things, and certain bad too!

Kedar Koushik said...

thou really art my brother!!! i've been thinking about this 'influence' thing for a long time now. can you create something without influence or be without the latter?? i guess not.. well, bout the blog- easy,free lingo and flow. i would have enjoyed more if the examples were many(i know u've got many) :) well, as far as possible try not to be objective with the terms 'good' and 'bad' influences... hope i sound like a lit student(dictator may be)... keep it coming bro... let there be light or blog or whatever.. peace!!